
Since the beginning, SportFest has focused on building community within and among residential areas at the University of Miami.

SportsFest began in the Spring semester of 1986 when the “Honors Residential College” (Hecht) challenged “The Residential College” (Stanford) to a sporting contest. As additional residential colleges were added they were invited to participate. SportsFest, a collaborative effort among the Division of Student Affairs, the Department of Wellness & Recreation, and the Department of Housing & Residential Life, builds a sense of community among students and strives to develop teamwork and sportsmanship skills. The event brings together 2,000 members of the UM community for a weekend of recreational sports and other activities.

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, Oct. 25 by 5 p.m.: Team entry (via IMLeagues) and Sports information form.
  • Monday, Oct. 30 at 9 p.m.: Mandatory captains meeting in Expo Hall at Lakeside Village.
    • Volunteer schedules and scheduled timed events will be distributed at the meeting.
  • Monday, Oct. 30 by 11:59 p.m.: IMLeagues for rosters for all teams due by, including all accepted requests. Players can request to join (captains can accept) or captains can invite players via email. PDF rosters will be sent to the ADs for approval.
  • Thursday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m.: Opening Ceremonies at the Lakeside Patio.
  • Friday, Nov. 3 and Saturday, Nov. 4: SportsFest