Student Experience Adventure Leadership Semester (SEALs)

SEALS Paddle-Boarding SEALS Paddle-Boarding
SEALS Cooking SEALS Cooking
SEALS Forest SEALS Forest

The Student Experience Adventure Leadership semester, or SEALs, was created for students to pursue outdoor leadership and learn the skills needed to teach outdoor adventures to others.

Taught by the full-time staff of Outdoor Adventures, this semester-long course is a mixture of classroom, on-campus, and field-based leadership training to help students learn the methodology for managing groups and teaching them the technical skills required for outdoor recreation.

The Student Experience Adventure Leadership semester is an in-depth, long-term, and exciting leadership development program. SEALs is unlike any other course or training program you ever had. You’ll learn how to handle real situations, learn how to paddle, kayak, surf, navigate at sea or on land, backpack, and be ready for life in college and after graduation.

Spring 2025 Applications open November 1, 2024

The SEALs Experience

SEALs is a paid educational program including 160+ hours of training and development all taught by professionals with over 20 years of outdoor recreation experience.

Cost: $400

This cost covers:

  • Skills training in surfing, stand-up paddleboard, skin diving, camping, meal planning, cooking, navigation, and search & rescue
  • Transportation, camping equipment rental, and food for all excursions
  • Equipment rental for all sports activities

Classroom Periods

Weekly in the evening beginning the week of January 16 through the week of February 19.

The time and day of the week are TBD based on participant schedules.

Outdoor Excursions

Dates and additional information will be available on September 2, 2024.
